Bike Bowling Birthday BBQ Bash

Bike Bowling Birthday BBQ Bash

Saturday, July 28, 2012 at 7:00pm
By: Mo & EvanThe Velopalooza edition of Bike Bowling was cancelled due to rain, so let's try again! We've re-scheduled for Evan's birthday, so we'll be celebrating that, too.

Debauchery!!! Beers!!! Bikes!!!! Bruises!!! Bowling!!!
Let's all hurtle down a hill on a little tiny bike (provided) and fling our bodies at stacked garbage cans! The BeerBQ bike will be there slinging food and bevies - so bring your twoonies. Bowl at your own risk!

Just want to wish Evan a happy birthday? You don't have to go bike bowling (but he may tease you about it). Come for the BBQ, the good vibes, and to cheer for the bowlers. (No birthday presents, please. Your presence is enough.)

You might want to bring: reusable plate & silverware, blanket or camp chair, and any food, drinks, or combustibles you'd enjoy.

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