PEDAL Introduction to Mechanics/Maintenance Workshop

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PEDAL Introduction to Mechanics/Maintenance Workshop

Thursday, June 3, 2010, 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Repeats: First Thursday of every month

Meet At:

Our Community Bikes
Notes: near 17th Avenue

Contact Info:

604-879-BIKE (604-879-2453)
By: PEDALOffered by PEDAL (Pedal Energy Development Alternatives), an organization that develops and promotes the use of pedal powered technology, the workshop is for individuals interested in learning in a more structured, classroom like way. The course covers drivetrain maintenance, brake and gear adjustment and flat tire repair.

Courses are held at Our Community Bikes, 3283 Main Street near 17th Avenue, on the first Thursday of every month from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. We generally believe that a class of 6 people is the ideal size for effective hands-on learning with a qualified mechanic. The cost is $40 per person which must be paid upon registration.

To register, come in to Our Community Bikes during regular open hours to register. It is not possible to secure a spot in the class over the phone. Bring your bike and a snack.

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