leisure ride with Vancouver Bike Club
Saturday, June 5, 2010, 10:00am - 1:00pm
Meet At:
vVancouver Bike Club
By: sharonThe Vancouver Bike Club (VBC.BC.CA)is a grpoup of cycling enthusiasts who meet every Sat. (Leisure Ride) and Sun. (further and faster-paced). The leisure ride meets at the Arbutus Coffee Shop at 6th and Arbutus @ 10 a.m. and we follow designated bike routes in and around Vancouver. The rides are generally 30-40 km. at 15-20 km./hr. and last until about 1 p.m.with a coffee stop along the way.The Sun. rides generally may be a bit longer in time and distance is about 60 km., pace 20-30 km./hr.Please see vbc_forumyahoogroups.com .
Vancouver Bicycling Meetup Group, VBMG
Streetwise Cycling Workshops