Kilometres for Communication

Kilometres for Communication

Saturday, May 21, 2011, 10:00am - 12:00pm. Ride from HS Bay to Vancouver City Hall

Meet At:

Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal
Notes: Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal Parking Lot

Contact Info:

By: Jeff Riley and Gail Fisher-TaylorSkye Wattie, inspired by his brother, Kerr, who uses a wheelchair and speaks with blinks and a communication device will dip his bike into the Pacific Ocean, launching his coast-to-coast cycling journey. Skye and his family are on a journey to empower the voices of people with limited or no speech, and to make accessibility and inclusion a national priority. This national cycling-based fund-raiser is Kilometres for Communication. Full info at
Join them as they cycle through Vancouver May 21 & 22, 2011