Women & Queer Night

Bike Kitchen Women & Queer Night

Wednesday, June 13, 2018, 6:15pm - 9:00pm. Starts about 15 mins after 6:00 pm.
Repeats: Second Wednesday of every month

Meet At:

The Bike Kitchen
Notes: Room 36, UBC Life Building
By: AMS Bike Co-op and Bike KitchenWomen & Queer Night takes place on the second Wednesday of every month. This free event offers a positive space for cis women, trans women, femmes, and all queer folks to take up space in the shop and learn about bike maintenance in a relaxed environment facilitated by women and/or queer-identified mechanics and volunteers.

Fix your bike with our tools or just come hang out. Beginners are encouraged to come and ask all of the questions. Oh, and we provide free pizza too!

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One thought on “Women & Queer Night

  • Erika

    Hi i am inteteresting. I live in downtown and my bike has been waiting for me around 6 months so is very dry and doesn’t work well. I realy would like learn to fix it for myserf.