MEC Advanced Meet-up Road Ride
Sunday, May 25, 2014, 9:30am - 12:30pm
Repeats: Every Sunday
Join us Sunday mornings for a free advanced group ride around our beautiful city! This ride is open to all road cyclists who are in training for the big cycling events and want a challenging ride every week. This ride is all about hill climbing, power development and increasing your ride pace!
All rides start and end at the Vancouver store
Gear check available
All rides are led by two advanced road-riding MEC staff members
Must be an intermediate/advanced road cyclist(no commuters or other type of bikes)
Please note, you must bring your own bike and all related cycling gear to the meet-up ride (ie. spare tube, front and rear lights, pump, multitool)!
Please come prepared with the food and hydration you will need and be ready for whatever mother nature throws at us. No sign-up required