Tour De Fridge - Full Flower Moon Edition
Meet At:
Tour de Fridge. Just like Tour de France, except with less athleticism and more fun. All fitness levels and abilities welcome. Get on your bike and ride!
Join us as we ride around Vancouver touring our friends fridges.
As a group we ride to various checkpoints throughout the day. People can choose if they want to host a checkpoint, this can be where you live, a park or a beach etc. Checkpoint hosts provide a drink, a snack or an activity, or all three depending on how you feel.
Please let us know if you would like to host a stop. The more stops we have the longer we can ride for. Bring loonies and toonies for your hosts along the way. Starting point and route will be announced closer to the day.
Feel free to invite your friends! but leave the dickheads at home. You can also join/leave the ride at any stage in the afternoon/evening/night.
NB: No carrying of fridges involved. Unless of course you want to.
(event photo cred: Pedro Diaz Cuzcat).