Seawall Summer Cycles
Friday, June 20, 2014, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Repeats: First and Third Friday and Saturday of every month
Meet At:
Stanley Park Seawall At Rowing Club
Notes: Meet on the Seawall under Rowing Club Walkway
By: Rudy PospisilI am a Firefighter cycling around the globe for charity. I train weekends cycling and love to cycle with or introduce cyclists to the sport of cycling on our Stanley Park Seawall. Its 1st and 3rd Fridays and Saturdays each month through the summer staring June 13 . Meeting at 10 AM at the rowing club on the seawall. Helmet and bike required easy rides good for beginners as well. Aprox 2 hours. Email to confirm attendance rudypospisil75 is my website
Bike Rides Society
Carnival Candy Ride & Picnic [Weather Permitting]