Roll The Dice Ride

CANCELED: Roll The Dice Ride

Moved to June 19
Was: Monday, June 11, 2018 at 7:00pm. Ride will leave at 7:20

Meet At:

Mount Pleasant Park
By: MikeA ride led by chance.

Big dice are rolled to determine how many blocks to ride, and which direction to turn once we get there (ie: Odd total = Turn right, Even = left).

Previous years' rides have roamed both East Van and Mount Pleasant. Pleasant surprises have included ice cream, jungle gyms, and mostly unnoticed public art. What adventures will Lady Luck find for us this time?

Since dice don't understand the concept of designated bike routes,  riders should be pretty comfortable on city streets. Pace will be casual with short stops at anything interesting we come across.

A music bike will be in attendance to supply soundtrack for our adventures in probability. This event is strictly a Bring-Your-Own-Snacks affair, and wild, unpredictable bike decorations or costumes are highly encouraged.

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