June Monthly Vintage Roll - Vancouver Wheelmen
Contact Info:
A "vintage preferred" event - we all have a ton of cool old bikes around that are "too nice" to ride every day. So that's what this is for! Usually a seawall ride. This will be a slow roll.
Q: What if I don't have an old bike?
A: Totally fine, this is in the "spirit" of vintage riding. Bring the bike you have, no judgement! If you want to get into vintage bikes, ride with us and you'll most likely see why we get into this old bike thing. We may have one for sale for you!
Q: Do I have to dress up in vintage wear?
A: That is completely up to you! And really, why not?
Q: Can I bring my friends?
A: Bring them all! The more the merrier.
Q: It is just for men?
A: Absolutely NOT! We would love to have ladies out as well! Again, the more the merrier!
Q: If I'm late, can I catch up?
A: Absolutely. A good way to contact us to ask us where we are is on Twitter: [at]VancvrWheelmen
To get you stoked about this ride, look at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCdfwd-pfOI