Hendry to Stanley Recumbent Ride

Hendry to Stanley Recumbent Ride

Sunday, June 26, 2016 at 1:15pm. Leave about 1:30pm

Meet At:

Trout Lake Park (South concession)
Notes: Paved area, South of John Hendry Park's (Trout Lake) South beach

Contact Info:

By: ColinA recumbent ride from John Hendry Park (Trout Lake), for a snack at Stanley's Bar & Grill (Stanley Park) and return.  Google map says 12km (1 hour), one way.  https://goo.gl/maps/G39w7g8ukY72
Bring a few dollars, for a drink and/or snack.

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3 thoughts on “Hendry to Stanley Recumbent Ride

  • Bruce W McLaughlin Post author

    We need more information about recumbents as mainstream bicycles, as the choice of riding is limited to one style ,monopolized by the big bike companies that pump out UCI approved bikes that appear to be the same but get new names each year. Comfort , speed , and safety , what more could you ask for?

  • Colin Bryant Post author

    Thanks for joining me, Scott & Bruce! It’s so rare to ride at eye level, with anyone.