PEDAL Women’s Night

Bring Money

PEDAL Women's Night

Wednesday, July 4, 2012, 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Repeats: First and Third Wednesday of every month

Contact Info:

By: Pedal DepotLadies fix your bike night at The Pedal Depot. Come learn to fix your bike with a bunch of great ladies.
1st and 3rd Wednesday each month.
$6 to $18 dollars per hour.
This is a trans-inclusive space.

Hosted at Our Community Bikes or Pedal Depot:. Call to confirm location: 604-708-4992

Why create a women only space?

- Because Feminism is not a dirty word and sexism is a problem based on power
- Because there is power in the hierarchy of knowledge and sexism is a problem based on power
- Because the knowledge of mechanics has been historically gendered and segregated... and still is
- Because it is important to be taught new skills without assumptions about your ability, based on your gender
- Because if you have to ask you have yet to realize how sexism is a systemic problem so prevalent and normalized you haven't noticed it yet

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